I’ll kick off 2014 (Happy New Year!) on this blog with one final Seattle Marathon post, this video from a runner dedicated enough to carry a video camera 26.2 miles on an extender: For those of you who read my race report, you’ll see the Ginger Bread Man at 3:28, and the Galer Street hill […]
Seattle Marathon 2013 Report

Ever since the first forecast of race day was posted, I was certain I was going to learn first-hand how running 26.2 miles in Seattle on December 1st could be a truly epic, if not downright miserable, experience. Indeed, even the forecast one day prior pointed to a twin event that lead me to melodramatically […]
#RunSeattle: Lay of the Land

One more pace run (10 miles @marathon pace -20 seconds per mile) tomorrow morning, and then some miles in the week to pretty much keep me from going nuts, and then it’s game on, 26.2 miles at the Seattle Marathon. Thank you all who have donated to the Conservation Lands Foundation in honor of my […]
#RunSeattle: Almost Here!

For the past 18+ weeks, and some mileage build up weeks before that, I’ve been training to run the Seattle Marathon. This marathon, on December 1st, will be my second, but most importantly, I’m running this as a charity race for the Conservation Lands Foundation. If I haven’t had a chance to tell you about […]